In December 2019 the DMTS was contacted by the Dorset Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Acquired Brain Injury Service, to discuss forming a choir to support people living with aphasia. Unfortunately the onset of the Coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic in January 2020 suspended our proposals for live (F2F) group sessions.
Eventually, after considerable consultation, a 6-week ‘on-line’ pilot project, funded by and under the auspices of the Dorset NHS Foundation Trust, was launched in September 2021. The pilot was successful and further funds were secured for another 6-week term in February 2022– again with positive outcomes.
In February 2022, the DMTS was invited to collaborate on a bid to secure additional funds held by Dorset NHS ‘Dragon’s Den’. Read about the 'Dragon's Den' bid here.
The DMTS is delighted to have secured funds for another 3 × 6 week terms commencing July 2022. The NHS have reviewed their COVID restrictions – so the choir will be going face to face - with a live Micro Teams link available to those who can’t attend a live event. My personal thanks to the multi professional team of the Dorset NHS Foundation Trust for their support and encouragement in making this a success.